Our Service
SUSA project
Our Service
Study Visit, typically lasting for three to five days, includes meetings and discussion sessions with relevant government agencies and private entities. Also, site visits and tours to relevant facilities and organizations are arranged for full and vivid understanding.
Study Visit may incorporate specialized workshops for delegates looking to acquire professional and technical knowledge and skills in greater depth.
SUSA organizes a team of qualified experts from Seoul Policy Consulting Group, which can review existing systems, establish strategic approach, and recommend specific solutions for foreign cities.
Seoul Policy Consulting Group
Seoul Policy Consulting Group comprises of public officials, professors and researchers, who have a comprehensive understanding of Seoul urban development. Seoul Policy Consulting Group aims to solve urbanization problem of overseas cities by providing policy solutions developed through Seoul’s urban development.
For more information visit https://seoulsolution.kr/en
SUSA and Seoul experts work together with the foreign cities and counterparts to share knowledge and implement projects. Overseas projects are typically carried out according to the following phases.
Overseas Project Process
SUSA supports developing bankable PPP projects by coordinating various players with keen understanding of the role and stake each party has.
Finanacial Mobilization Support
- Subnational governments around the world Structure and finance_UCLG OECD
- Handbook on Urban Infrastructure Finance_New Cities Foundation
- Finance for City Leaders_UNHABITAT