Urban development / housing
Urban development / housing
Massive housing supply via public development enabled SMG to achieve almost 100 % of housing supply ratio. In 1989, Seoul Housing and Communities Corporation (SH) was established as a role of a public land and housing developer and has contributed to the residential stability of non-homeowners. As of today, SMG has supplied 260,000 public housing units for low-income households.

Seoul’s Housing Overview
The number of households and houses in Seoul (1926-2011)
Source: Korea National Statistical Office, Population and Housing Census (1926-2011);
Seoul Institute, Geographical Atlas of Seoul 2013
Type of Occupancy

Public Rental Housing
Characteristics of Seoul’s Public Rental Housing
In more recent years, Seoul has experienced a structural change in the housing market. Elderly citizens and the number of single-person households continue to increase. On the other end, young adults suffer from high unemployment rates and the heavy burden of housing costs. With housing subsidy policies, SMG attempts to provide public housing based on the tenant groups’ lifecycle needs.
Type of Housing

Youth / Female

Family, Cooperative Society

Seniors & Other Cooperative

Housing Welfare System
SMG runs 11 housing welfare centers in 4 areas to manage rental housing close to the customers, and build a regional housing welfare system to offer residents with better housing management service to improve their life quality.

Building a housing welfare system
customized for each area, based on
11 housing welfare centers

Regional housing welfare center
Learn more
Seoul Solution: Housing Solution
Housing Solution Brochure
- Seoul Public Housing & Architecture Brochure